Hope For The Future

I can not believe my son just turned one! Liam Khalil Henry, you are a miracle baby and warrior. But, let’s face it; we are also celebrating that fact your father and I kept you alive without killing ourselves (or each other.) It was in no way shape or form easy. Your father and I used to joke every night we were going into battle. Believe me - I’ve never known sleep deprivation until I met you.

From acid reflux to food allergies and sleep regressions, we’ve come a long way. The magic you’ve brought to our life is unmeasurable. Your giggle is contagious, your cuddles are so precious, and you make me a better person every day. I could write a book on all the things that have made this year so unique, and if I had to title it, it would be called change. The year has been filled with so much change, change in you (the first year goes by so fast), changes in me, and massive changes in the world.


At the ripe age of one, you have lived through your first worldwide pandemic, as well as a radical movement progressing race relations forward and the dismantling of systemic racism after yet another senseless death of an unarmed black man, George Floyd. Through all of this madness, I still have so much hope for your future. Though these events have hurt, they have forced us to change for the better.

Through this pandemic, we have been forced to slow down and reconnect with the pure pleasures of life. Spending more time at home with loved ones, cooking, reading, organizing, and exploring our backyards. Our environment has received a much-needed break from the mass pollution of diving, flying, and cruises. Our brains have taken a break from the unhealthy culture of being overly busy. Our country is being forced to have an authentic conversation about race, and for the first time, I feel real change brewing in a way that will not be stopped. 


The other incredible thing about the universe or God whatever you choose to call it is, it will keep teaching you the same lesson over and over until you listen. So many people want to go back to the way things were. That would be the biggest tragedy in all this. There’s no going back. We can only move forward, hopefully, in a wiser, and more compassionate way. And as Sam Cooke said, “Change gone come, oh, yes it will.”

I hope I can teach you the tools to not just deal with change, but to excel in times of transition. So that change is something you never fear, and instead something you look for as an opportunity to grow and improve.

Happy birthday my love, oh what a year it has been.


Blogging From Bed